Solar Energy Should Not Be a Political Issue

With upcoming elections approaching, we are all watching the fierce battle between Republicans and Democrats.  The behavior from both sides has been revolting between the name-calling, distortions, and half-truths.   In almost every political ad, Democrats are charged with killing jobs and Republicans are only concerned with protecting the rich.

The one thing that both parties should agree on is a path to a more sustainable future; this is a world that includes more renewable power sources, such as solar energy, and less fossil fuels.  The Schott Solar Barometer, an annual national report, confirmed that all Americans overwhelming support the growth of solar power.  With 94% of Americans behind the development of solar energy, this is an undeniable sign of encouragement.   The report also found that endorsement of solar is similar between party lines.  Renewable energy is not and should not be a red or blue issue, and the study showed it isn’t.  92% of Republicans, 94% of Independents, and 98% of Democrats believe in the expansion of solar energy.

In addition, the study by Schott confirmed that Americans want subsidies to go to solar energy, not fossil fuels.  80% of people in this country would like incentives to be shifted from fossil fuels to solar.  People are ready for a change. We have an addiction to fossil fuels that threatens our national and economic security.  As a nation, we let more than $1 billion go to foreign countries to fund our oil needs.  This is money that sometimes goes to enemies who pose a threat to our country.

The report found that 50% of people in this country would be willing to pay more for clean, green solar energy.  Americans realize that it is the right thing – not only environmentally, but for our global competitiveness and national security.  You could say we have been held hostage by oil companies overseas.  We encounter a new threat as the Chinese government has been subsidizing their domestic solar manufacturing facilities allowing these companies to dump their equipment in the United States. We lost the fight for fossil fuels; let’s not lose our place in the developing renewable energy industry.

There has been too much discussion about making a commitment towards sustainable energy.  It’s time that we take action.  Please support local and state politicians who believe in sustainable energy policies.   Additionally, we can each do our part by utilizing energy efficient practices into daily life and incorporating renewable power sources, like solar.  To learn more if solar energy is viable for your home or business, reach out Brightstar Solar for complimentary solar evaluation and free quote in Massachusetts or Connecticut.

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