Should I Buy Solar, Get a New Deck, or Invest my Money?
It’s almost spring and you’re ready to make an investment.
Explore the latest tips, trends, and insights tailored for homeowners interested in Massachusetts solar. From navigating state incentives to optimizing solar panel performance in our unique climate, our blog is your go-to resource for all things solar in Massachusetts
It’s almost spring and you’re ready to make an investment.
Today, just about every residential and small commercial.
The Mass Solar Loan Program has among the lowest interest rates of any solar financing in Massachusetts.
Fortunately for people choosing a Massachusetts solar
The Mass Solar Loan program and especially a feature called Income-Based Loan Support (IBLS)
You may be surprised to learn that the electric car is not a new invention.
First of all, we think Solarize Massachusetts is a great program
When we design a solar installation for a Massachusetts home, available roof space generally is the limiting factor.
Have you noticed that your Massachusetts electricity bill seems ridiculously high compared to last year?
We feel very lucky to call Massachusetts our home.
Solarize Mass, a state-funded program to support small scale solar installations, is a good concept that is bad for consumers.
It’s still a great time to go solar in Massachusetts, but 2014 will bring changes.
Clearly, no one can dispute that generating solar power in Massachusetts is an excellent investment
With rising oil and gasoline prices, Americans are fed up with the pumps and many are considering an electric vehicle (EV) powered by solar energy.
A greater number of residents are going solar with the emergence of a solar lease in Massachusetts.
With the growing adoption of solar technology in Massachusetts and other states around the country, more and more PV installers have entered the marketplace.
There’s no question that solar is the right decision socially, environmentally, and financially, but most would say it is not accessible to the larger population because of the huge investment required.
Massachusetts announced changes to the Commonwealth Solar Rebate program going forward.
There has been an explosion of solar financing for Massachusetts residents. If you are interested in paying nothing down and reaping the benefits of solar energy on day one live in Massachusetts, you are in luck.